Shutterly Fabulous New Years Resolution

Declutter your life and simplify.

De-clutter your Life

With the New Year well under way many people in the country bring resolutions into their life to try and improve on the previous year. Here at Shutterly Fabulous, one of ours is to simplify and de-clutter our lives. While this is great for making your life more streamlined and easier to deal with, the same can be said with rooms and designs. By leaving your rooms minimal and clear you not only improve your thoughts and mind, but also save time on cleaning! One of the benefits of shutters is the ability to clean them with a quick wipe off, rather than storing dust like material curtains. This means you will be spending less time cleaning and more time doing the things that matter to you.

As one of our favourite poems so eloquently puts it: “Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better to paint a picture or write a letter, bake a cake or plant a seed, ponder the difference between want and need?”