Plantation Shutters vs. Curtains…

Shutters or curtains?

Are you considering replacing curtains with shutters? Then look no further. After reading our lowdown on how plantation shutters shape up against curtains, you’ll have your mind made up in minutes!

When it comes to the most effective style of window dressing, there can only be one winner. Let’s find out why.

1. Shutters provide great longevity 

Although the initial cost of plantation shutters is higher than what you’d typically spend on curtains, shutters last considerably longer. Our stylish window dressings are built to last and we never compromise on quality. All our shutters are covered by a 5-year warranty, so in the rare event that anything needs replacing you can let us do the work for you.

2. They’re perfect for privacy and light regulation

With curtains it’s almost impossible to achieve the right balance between privacy and incoming light. Shutters will offer you the best of both worlds! Your slats can be tilted for privacy whilst still letting daylight in. To flood the room with sunshine, simply open the panels away from the window. The eco-benefits of shutters are also obvious: the more light you let into your room, the longer you get to keep the light switch off!

3. Shutters offer great insulation and soundproofing

Unlike curtains, our shutters are custom-made to fit your window aperture to the millimetre, meaning that once installed, shutters act as a proven insulator, which will help you save money on energy bills in the winter and regulate the temperature of a room during warmer months. The barrier created by closed louvers is also naturally soundproofing, blocking out noise to ensure you get a restful night’s sleep.

4. They’re very easy to maintain

Whilst curtains often quickly appear dusty and stained, requiring frequent washing or dry-cleaning, shutters are very easy to clean and only need a quick wipe with a damp cloth every week to get them looking as good as new again. For this reason, clean shutters are much more hygienic and especially beneficial to little ones, as they reduce the risk of allergies.

5. Plantation shutters are design classics with real kerb appeal

Lastly, plantation shutters will undoubtedly add oodles of kerb appeal to your home. After installing shutters, the value of your home increases. Their timeless appeal will transform any living space for good. Your neighbours will love them and will soon be popping round for a cup of tea to take a closer look.

And if you happen to get tired of all your new admirers, you can always tilt your shutters closed to give the impression of not being in!

Why not visit our appointment page and book a free on-site consultation to get a feel for how shutters would work for you.